4/4/2018 Roundtable Regular Meeting & Fly Quiet Awards
Meeting No. 312
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 – 7:00 P.M.
David Chetcuti Community Room – Millbrae City Hall
450 Poplar Avenue – Millbrae, CA 94030
Materials Presented/Mentioned/Discussed at Meeting
Meeting Packet (2.6 MB PDF)
SFO Approach to GBAS Presentation (PDF)
Effects of Aircraft Noise on People Presentation, Mary Ellen Eagan (HMMH) (PDF)
Letter from Pacifica to FAA, 03/22/2018 (PDF)
Letter from Foster City to FAA, 03/27/2018 (PDF)
Slides from Elizabeth Lopez (San Francisco resident) (PDF)
Polis Amendment (General Aviation Restriction) (PDF)
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Declaration of a Quorum Present
Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson / James A. Castañeda, AICP, Roundtable Coordinator
2. Jon C. Long Fly Quiet Awards for 2015-2016 and 2017
Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson
Bert Ganoung, Noise Abatement Manager
3. Public Comments on Items NOT on the Agenda
Speakers are limited to two minutes. Roundtable members cannot discuss or take action on any matter raised under this item.
4. Review of Roundtable Regular Meeting Action Minutes for December 6, 2017 and
February 7, 2018
5. Airport Director’s Reports for January & February 2018
6. SFO Updates
Ivar Satero, Director – San Francisco International Airport
Doug Yakel, Public Information Officer – San Francisco International Airport
7. Report and Recommendation from Work Program Subcommittee of Roundtable FY2017-2018 Budget
James Castañeda, Roundtable Coordinador
8. Status/Update, FAA Initiative Phase 2 / Technical Working Group Meeting Follow-up
Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson
Gene Reindel, Roundtable Technical Consultant
9. Update from the Roundtable’s Legislative Subcommittee Meeting
Janet Borgens, Legislative Subcommittee Chairperson (City of Redwood City Representative)
10. Discussion, Health Effects of Aircraft Noise on People
Mary Ellen Eagan, HMMH
11. Follow-up, Expand Roundtable membership to include 2 additional members; one representative from each Santa Clara County and Santa Cruz County
Elizabeth Lewis, Roundtable Chairperson
12. Upcoming 3-Year Strategic Plan and 2018-2019 Work Plan development, Member Appointment to Work Program Subcommittee
James Castañeda, Roundtable Coordinator
13. Aviation Noise News and Updates
Gene Reindel, Roundtable Technical Consultant
14. Member Communications / Announcements
Roundtable Members and Staff
15. Adjourn
Roundtable Chairperson
Note: Public records that relate to any item on the open session Agenda (Consent and Regular Agendas) for a Regular Airport/Community Roundtable Meeting are available for public inspection. Those records that are distributed less than 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting are available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed to all Roundtable Members, or a majority of the Members of the Roundtable. The Roundtable has designated the San Mateo County Planning & Building Department, at 455 County Center, 2nd Floor Redwood City, California 94063, for the purpose of making those public records available for inspection. The documents are also available on the Roundtable website at: www.sforoundtable.org.