Brisbane Overflights
The San Francisco Airport Community Roundtable is an advocate for mitigating aircraft noise in our member cities. The Brisbane community has raised the issue of aircraft noise with the Roundtable, and the Roundtable is working with the San Francisco Airport, Congress member Speier and the FAA on efforts to mitigate and reduce aircraft noise over Brisbane. One of the initiatives from the FAA is to develop metrics on aircraft flying over Brisbane. The data from the FAA can be found at the City of Brisbane’s FAA Data website. The data provided is just one step amongst many to reduce aircraft noise over Brisbane.
Brisbane Overflights Background Materials |
Explanation of Radar Track Data
SFO Departures Near Brisbane, Monday May 14, 2012
SFO Departures over Brisbane CA, Evaluation of May 6 thru May 12, 2012
SFO Departures over Brisbane CA, Comparison of 2005 and 2010/11 Dat