Archive for June, 2014

Overview Posted on June 4, 2014

SFO Airport/Community Roundtable
Meeting No. 291 Overview
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Declaration of a Quorum Present

Roundtable Chairperson, Cliff Lentz, called the Regular Meeting of the SFO Airport/Community Roundtable to order, at approximately 7:04 p.m., in the David Chetcuti Community Room at the Millbrae City Hall. James A. Castañeda, AICP, Roundtable Coordinator, called the roll. A quorum (at least 12 Regular Members) was present as follows:








2. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda

South San Francisco residents Dorain Gotelli and Michael Harris discussed concerns with the noise insulation upkeep and retrofitting of homes at present. Noise Abatement Manager Bert Ganoung explained the warranty situation with any prior retrofit work as part of the noise insulation program, as well as why some houses were not included in the program. He offered to follow up with both residents after the meeting.

Tom Carney, also a South San Francisco resident, raised issues regarding some noise monitors in the area that are not working, and requested additional data and deployment of additional temporary noise monitors.


3. Announcement of Start of SFO FAR Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update

Noise Abatement Manager Bert Ganoung provided a brief overview of the Part 150 Noise Exposure Map update process, as well as the workshop held prior to the meeting.



4. Review of Airport Director’s Reports for March 2014 and April 2014

5. Review of Roundtable Regular Meeting Overview for April 2, 2014


ACTION: Naomi Patridge MOVED the approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Julian Chang and CARRIED, unanimously.



A request was made to move item 8 (Request from the City of Palo Alto for Roundtable Membership) up to be first on the regular agenda. Rosanne Foust MOVED to move item 8 before item 5 for discussion. The motion was seconded by Naomi Patridge and CARRIED, unanimously.


8. Request from the City of Palo Alto for Roundtable Membership

Roundtable Coordinator James Castañeda introduced a memorandum received from the City of Palo Alto requesting membership on the Roundtable. He explained the process of amending the Roundtable’s regulatory documents to allow Palo Alto’s membership if the Roundtable considers the request.

DISCUSSION: Half Moon Bay representative Naomi Patridge expressed her concern regarding opening up membership to cities in Santa Clara County, and mentioned the history of earlier requests from the City of Palo Alto for membership. Airport Director John Martin indicated that this request is a significant issue and should be carefully considered. It was suggested that a subcommittee be formed to look at the history, precedence and make recommendations to the Roundtable regarding the request.

Palo Alto Mayor Nancy Shepherd provided a few remarks about the request, and encouraged the Roundtable to allow Palo Alto to participate as a member given the shared noise concerns with south county communities.

ACTION: Chairperson Lentz asked for members to volunteer to participate on the subcommittee. Richard Newman, Elizabeth Lewis, Sue Digre, Rosanne Foust, and Julian Chang agreed to be a part of the subcommittee.


6. Review of SFO FlyQuiet Report for Q1 2014

Bert Ganoung, Noise Abatement Manager, provided an overview of the SFO FlyQuiet report for the first quarter of 2014.

ACTION: Dave Pine MOVED the approval of the SFO FlyQuiet Report for Q1 2014. The motion was seconded by Naomi Patridge and CARRIED, unanimously.

7. Airport Director’s Comments

Airport Director John Martin provided a brief update of current trends and operations at SFO. It was indicated that traffic is up 7%, and deployment of portable noise monitors is ongoing.




9. SFO Construction Update and Departure/Arrival Affects

Bert Ganoung, Noise Abatement Manager, gave a brief update of the latest development regarding the runway closures happening during the summer for the federally mandated safety improvements, and the expected noise impacts. It was anticipated that the construction will be completed early September.


10. Update on FAA’s PORTE Departure Analysis

Noise Abatement Manager Bert Ganoung explained that due to the runway closures, Brisbane is experiencing some relief from overflights, but some complaints are still being received.


11. Update, Oceanic Arrivals Over the Woodside VOR

Noise Abatement Manager Bert Ganoung indicated that the Roundtable could expect a final quarterly monitoring report soon, but initial numbers are low and consistent.


12. Update, Optimization of Airspace and Procedures in the Metroplex (OAPM) Environmental Review

Roundtable Aviation Technical Consultant Cindy Gibbs provided a brief status update of the OAPM Environmental Review, and indicated a record of decision can be expected in July.
DISCUSSION: Chairperson Lentz discussed the feedback received and the efforts of the Roundtable through the comments submitted. San Francisco Mayor’s Office representative Julian Chang complimented staff and fellow Roundtable members for their efforts.




13. Airport Noise Briefing

Roundtable Aviation Technical Consultants Cindy Gibbs and Harvey Hartmann gave a brief industry update, including a discussion of possible forthcoming regulations regarding Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.


14. Member Communications/Announcements

Noise Abatement Manager Bert Ganoung announced the retirement of Barbara Lawson, Senior Information Systems Operator for the Noise Abatement Office.


15. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:39 p.m.

Minutes approved at the December 3, 2014 Regular Meeting.

Agenda Posted on June 4, 2014




Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PART 150 Noise Exposure Map Update Workshop
5:45 pm – 6:45 pm

Roundtable Regular Meeting No. 291
7:00 pm


David Chetcuti Community Room – Millbrae City Hall
450 Popular Avenue – Millbrae, CA 94030


Note: To arrange an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act to participate in this public meeting, please call (650) 363-1853 at least 2 days before the meeting date.

1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Declaration of a Quorum Present – ACTION
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson / James A. Castaneda, AICP, Roundtable Coordinator

2. Public Comments on Items NOT on the Agenda – INFORMATION
Speakers are limited to two minutes. Roundtable members cannot discuss or take action on any matter raised under this item.

3. Announcement of Start of SFO FAR Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update – INFORMATION
Bert Ganoung, Manager – Aircraft Noise Abatement Office



All items on the Consent Agenda are approved/accepted in one motion. A Roundtable Representative can make a request, prior to action on the Consent Agenda, to transfer a Consent Agenda item to the Regular Agenda. Any items on the Regular Agenda may be transferred on the Consent Agenda in a similar manner.

4. Review of Airport Director’s Reports for March 2014 and April 2014 – ACTION

5. Review of Roundtable Regular Meeting Overview for April 2, 2014 – ACTION



6. Review of SFO FlyQuiet Report for Q1 2013 – ACTION
Bert Ganoung, Manager – Aircraft Noise Abatement Office

7. Airport Director’s Comments – INFORMATION
John Martin, Director – San Francisco International Airport

8. Request from the City of Palo Alto for Roundtable Membership – ACTION
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson



9. SFO Construction Update and Departure/Arrival affects – INFORMATION
Bert Ganoung, Manager – Aircraft Noise Abatement Office

10. Update, FAA’s PORTE Departure Analysis – INFORMATION
Bert Ganoung, Manager – Aircraft Noise Abatement Office

11. Update, Oceanic Arrivals Over the Woodside VOR – INFORMATION
Bert Ganoung, Manager – Aircraft Noise Abatement Office

12. Update, Optimization of Airspace & Procedures in the Metroplex (OAPM) Environmental Review – ACTION
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson



13. Airport Noise News Briefing – INFORMATION
Cindy Gibbs, Roundtable Aviation Technical Consultant

14. Member Communications / Announcements – INFORMATION
Roundtable Members and Staff

15. Adjourn – ACTION
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson
