Special Meeting 6/27/2016 – CANCELED


Meeting No. 302
Monday, June 27, 2016

After discussion by the Technical Working Group at their June 22, 2016 meeting, the special meeting scheduled for Monday, June 27, 2016 has been canceled to allow additional preparation time with the response. All discussion items for this meeting will be on the agenda for the next scheduled Regular Meeting on August 3, 2016.


1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Declaration of a Quorum Present
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson / James A. Castañeda, AICP, Roundtable Coordinator

2. Public Comments on Items NOT on the Agenda
Speakers are limited to two minutes. Roundtable members cannot discuss or take action on any matter raised under this item.



All items on the Consent Agenda are approved/accepted in one motion. A Roundtable Representative can make a request, prior to action on the Consent Agenda, to transfer a Consent Agenda item to the Regular Agenda. Any items on the Regular Agenda may be transferred on the Consent Agenda in a similar manner.

3. Review of Airport Director’s Report for November 2015, December 2015, January 2016, February 2016, March 2016, and April 2016



4. Technical Working Group’s Recommendations, Roundtable Response to FAA Initiative Results to Address Noise Concerns
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson
Cindy Gibbs, Roundtable Aviation Technical Consultant



5. Airport Noise Briefing
Cindy Gibbs, Roundtable Aviation Technical Consultant

6. Member Communications / Announcements
Roundtable Members and Staff

7. Adjourn
Cliff Lentz, Roundtable Chairperson

Note: Public records that relate to any item on the open session Agenda (Consent and Regular Agendas) for a Regular Airport/Community Roundtable Meeting are available for public inspection. Those records that are distributed less than 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting are available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed to all Roundtable Members, or a majority of the Members of the Roundtable. The Roundtable has designated the San Mateo County Planning & Building Department, at 455 County Center, 2nd Floor Redwood City, California 94063, for the purpose of making those public records available for inspection. The documents are also available on the Roundtable website at: www.sforoundtable.org.